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DriveWorks Drivers – 8th December Meeting Round Up

DriveWorks Drivers – December

In case you missed it, here’s what happened at the DriveWorks Drivers December meetings…

On Thursday 8th December we were excited to host the two-year anniversary of DriveWorks Drivers!

DriveWorks Drivers connects DriveWorks Users from around the world, featuring guest speakers sharing experiences and encouraging questions and chat about DriveWorks. Sharing technical know-how and practical experience informally with each other is something we know many people using DriveWorks like to do.

DriveWorks World 2023 Announcement

At the beginning of both meetings, hosts Bridie and Heather reminded everyone that DriveWorks annual technical learning event, DriveWorks World, is taking place from 21st March 2023 until 23rd March 2023. Customers, partners and resellers can now register at www.driveworksworld.com.

We were excited to announce that the 2023 Call for Papers is open to anyone interested in presenting at DriveWorks World. Every year at DriveWorks World, we invite our customers, partners and resellers to present. These presentations are a great way for users to learn from each other, and pick up ideas, tips and tricks for their own presentations.

Sharing stories on how DriveWorks is used or highlighting a particular area of technology is an important part of the knowledge sharing at DriveWorks World. If you are interested in presenting at DriveWorks World 2023, please submit your call for papers and a member of our team will be in touch.


We’re attending 3DEXPERIENCE World 2023 in Nashville, TN. 3DEXPERIENCE World brings a vibrant community of designers, engineers, entrepreneurs and business leaders together to learn, engage, share knowledge and drive innovation, around the 3DEXPERIENCE WORKS portfolio, for SOLIDWORKS customers.

Look out for details of the presentations we’ll be delivering throughout the event, and where you can find us in the 3DEXPEREINCE Playground.

It was great to welcome Matthew Hall, SOLIDWORKS Digital Communities Manager, to the December DriveWorks Drivers meeting ahead of 3DEXPEREINCE World. Matthew oversees several areas of the Dassault Systèmes online community programs including the SOLIDWORKS User Forums, SOLIDWORKS news, and the SOLIDWORKS Makers 3DSwym communities.

Guest Presentations

Guest presentations are a big part of all DriveWorks Drivers meetings. We know how important it is for our users to connect and share ideas, tips, and tricks with each other.

Customer Presentation – Weber Maschinenbau

During the 3pm meeting, we welcomed a presentation by Torsten Wildemann, from DriveWorks customer, Weber Maschinenbau in Breidenbach, Germany. Apart from describing how Weber has created over 60 projects to automate their slicer and packaging lines for deli, meat, cheese and vegan products, Torsten demonstrated a particularly ingenious use of the DriveWorks 3DPreview technology.

While configuring the blade to slice the food product, Torsten showed how DriveWorks 3DPreview is used to dynamically verify and optimize the cutting swath to ensure that the blade path will slice the product completely (including advanced visuals and even interactive measuring).

DriveWorks Projects with Nick Sweeney: Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Nick Sweeney, Marketing Communication Specialist from GoEngineer, joined us for both DriveWorks Drivers meetings to share insight and present his list of the most common implementation pitfalls and how to avoid them. Nick addressed both technical pitfalls as well as planning pitfalls.

Recalling experiences working with a variety of clients as well as other reseller partners, Nick was able to provide a wide variety of tips and tricks for everyone from new users to seasoned veterans. Nick’s experiences with the project management side of implementation (addressing scope creep, forward-thinking approach, etc.) sparked a series of conversations in the chat.

Introducing DriveWorks Technial Territory Manager

During the 9pm meeting, we welcomed the newest member of our DriveWorks team, Ahmed Lasheen. Residing in Auckland, New Zealand, Lasheen has a long history with DriveWorks and the DriveWorks community. During this time, he has gained experience in many aspects of DriveWorks technology and supported it across many industries.

In his role as Technical Territory Manager, Lasheen will help us to support our customers and resellers more effectively as we continue our growth in Asia Pacific. Discussing some of the many projects that he’s worked on in the past, Lasheen excitedly shared his vision for helping expand DriveWorks support for the Asia Pacific region.

The Final Ascent – a Technical Summit with the DriveWorks Sherpa

At the end of both DriveWorks Drivers sessions, we were excited to welcome a new technical segment – The Final Ascent with DriveWorks Sherpa, Paul Gimbel. The newest of our regular segments in the DriveWorks Drivers events, The Final Ascent is a chance for Paul to address topics, issues and questions raised by users in our community.

This quarter’s segment focused on a variety of topics surrounding DriveWorks Live and Internet Information Services, covering everything from the basics to troubleshooting, customization and even performance tuning techniques.

If you have any questions or ideas for topics to be addressed in this new segment, please send us an email to drivers@driveworks.co.uk.

Join us for the next DriveWorks Drivers Meeting on 2nd March 2023

Join us for our first meeting of 2023 scheduled for 2nd March.

We will host guests from both the DriveWorks team and community and of course have even more great technical sharing.

Register your interest now by emailing drivers@driveworks.co.uk and look out for registration opening soon.