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A Round Up of DriveWorks Drivers June Meeting

DriveWorks Drivers June Meeting Round-Up

In 2020, we hosted the very first meeting of DriveWorks Drivers.

We had so much fun, and it was so successful that we’ve hosted 2 meetings since, and they seem to be getting better and better each time. DriveWorks Drivers is an opportunity for DriveWorks users from around the world to connect, share ideas and talk DriveWorks!

We have enjoyed the opportunity to get our customersresellers, and partners together to share technical knowledge as well as practical experience. DriveWorks Drivers has given us the chance to get people together to share successespose challengesnetwork, and support each other.

DriveWorks Drivers is hosted via Microsoft Teams at both 3pm (BST) and 9pm (BST). Hosting at different times has provided the opportunity for our global community join at a time that suits them.

June 17th DriveWorks Drivers Meeting

DriveWorks World Recap, Learning Platform Updates and the Dashboard DriveApp!

Many people that attend DriveWorks Drivers had the chance to attend Virtual DriveWorks World 2021 in April too.

At the start of the meeting, hosts Bridie and Heather gave a recap of DriveWorks World for those that couldn’t attend.

After sharing an overview of the event, they announced that the online learning content that was available during the event is now available through the DriveWorks Learning Platform in MyDriveWorks.

Senior Application Engineer, Dave Meecham, joined the meeting to give an overview and update on the Dashboard DriveApp. He provided some examples of how the Dashboard DriveApp could be used and also talked about how we use the Dashboard DriveApp in our KPI screens at DriveWorks HQ.

Company Tools with Devin Martin

Devin Martin, Application Engineer with TriMech, gave a fun and interactive look at how he has created some Company Tools using DriveWorks.

He showed how they have automated some of the administrative tasks in the office such as managing and automating their training information and certifications.

By using DriveWorks internally on projects, he has been able to use these projects as a testing environment to learn more and experience more with DriveWorks.

The most popular tool Devin showed, was the ‘Rate My Beer’ project he’s created. Bridie had a go with the project live during the meeting and added ratings for our own Automation IPA!

Customer Presentations

Customer presentations are a big part of all DriveWorks Drivers meetings. We were extremely pleased to welcome more DriveWorks customers to share their story – no matter how new or experienced a customer may be, there is always something to be learned or shared.

Derrek Pease and Ryan Boyd – MAC Medical

Derrek Pease and Ryan Boyd from MAC Medical shared their DriveWorks story at our 3pm meeting. MAC Medical, Inc. is an industry leader in manufacturing high quality stainless steel and laminate healthcare equipment.

Recently, they have been working to automate the design of a specific product line with DriveWorks.

They are looking to network and connect with other customers that may be able to provide some feedback, support and also advice on best practices, including using DriveWorks with their new ERP System (Sage).

We look forward to seeing great things from these folks as they develop their projects – we may even invite them back to present at a future DriveWorks Drivers meeting to share an update on their progress!

Ryan Mire and Rob Miller – Chatsworth Products

At our 9pm meeting, we were pleased to have both Ryan Mire and Rob Miller present from Chatsworth Products. Chatsworth Products manufacture products and solutions in the communications and technology industry.

Ryan and Rob are no stranger to presenting at DriveWorks World, so we were more than happy to have them present at DriveWorks Drivers.

Ryan told the story of how they started using DriveWorks back in 2014. They started working with Paul Gimbel at Razorleaf to help learn and develop their initial products.

Rob Miller joined the team shortly after and has been working in DriveWorks with Ryan ever since.

While they were not able to show their full product lines, both Rob and Ryan shared great insight and shared technical lessons learned as a result of using DriveWorks. On the heels of talking about internal company tools, Chatsworth shared how they have also used DriveWorks to create some internal company tools to help drive and automate different areas of their business.

Rob shared that he built a game using DriveWorks called the ‘CPI MazeRunner’. They took questions from the audience and provided great insight into their experiences and success in using DriveWorks.

Thank you to everyone for joining us at all DriveWorks Drivers meetings and making them a great success, we look forward to seeing you all again on Thursday, 9th September!

What’s Next?

We were delighted to welcome so many DriveWorks users to the second DriveWorks Drivers virtual networking meeting.

It was great to see everyone interacting and talking all things DriveWorks.

We will be hosting four DriveWorks Drivers events each year, with the next one scheduled for September 2021.

If you would like to register your interest for the next event, please get in touch with us.

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