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The Importance of Being Mobile

Just like the spread of Television in the 1960’s and Home computing in the late 1980’s, mobile devices are exploding globally and that means your business has to be ready to react.

At times it can seem that mobile optimisation is simply too big of an investment and risk for a business to take. Yet the statistics don’t lie.

Out of the 7 Billion people on earth 4.8 billion of them have a mobile phone. To put that in to perspective, only 4.2 billion own a toothbrush. While not all of those 4.8 billion mobiles are currently smartphones with web browsers it is estimated that this year smartphones will begin to outsell feature phones with over 2 billion smartphones and tablets being shipped this year.

Missing out on an already huge and quickly growing mobile market is akin to ignoring a large part of your potential customer base. Or as Google puts it “Not having a mobile optimised website is like closing your store one day each week”.

Mobile shopping: Experience is king

By now you have probably gathered that having a mobile site to sell your product is important. However, having a site that works on a mobile device is not the same as having one which is optimised for a mobile device.

30% of mobile shoppers abandon a transaction if the experience isn’t optimised for mobile. Which can happen if your site is not configured to work on different devices. When no one screen size has more than 20% of the market share your site must be accessible on screens of all shapes and sizes.

Think you have heard enough? It gets worse. Businesses that offer customers a poorly designed site will find that 57% of those customers will not be recommending them, and worse still, they will turn to a competitor.

It’s not all bad: Good experience = Happy customer

It might seem like this article is all about the negatives of having a poorly designed site, and to an extent that is true. However the power of the above statistics is only made more potent by the fact that Tablet spenders will spend 50% more than PC users.

Providing a good experience to your customers is not something that should be confined to the shop front or telephone, wherever your customer turns they should be met with an engaging and enjoyable experience.

Which explains why 61% of people have a better opinion of your brand if you offer a good mobile experience.

That is why when we developed DriveWorks live, we made sure that your customers can configure their products on any device and more with our new DriveWorks apps your customer can see and share their newly configured SolidWorks model.

For more information on DriveWorks and DriveWorks Live visit www.driveworks.co.uk or try out some of our examples on www.driveworkslive.com.