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Spotlight on Oil and Gas

The Oil and Gas Industry

In today’s environment the Oil and Gas industry benefits our lives in several ways. The products in this industry are essential as they provide energy to heat homes, provide fuel to transport people or goods and are often the raw materials used to produce everyday items.

The Industry and DriveWorks

The extraction of oil and gas can be tricky, and often specialist equipment is needed in order to successfully bring these fuels up to the surface. Different variations of equipment can be needed, products that are typically the ‘Same but Different’.

DriveWorks is the perfect software solution to automate the design of these essential and varying products, saving time and money but most importantly, aiding quick production. After all, these products are essential for everyday life so a quick turnaround is needed to meet demand.

Each month as part of our Industry Spotlight demonstrations, our Tech Team create industry specific sample projects that you can download and use to see just how easy it is to configure your own products using DriveWorks.

The projects in this month’s Industry Spotlight focus on the journey that many DriveWorks customers take when going from DriveWorksXpress to DriveWorks Solo and then on to DriveWorks Pro.


Let’s start with DriveWorksXpress, our free Design Automation product that is fully embedded and included in every licence of SOLIDWORKS.

Our Tech Team have created the following projects for you to download and use inside SOLIDWORKS, and also a handy video that walks through how to set up and run each project.

Power Pack

Industrial Stairs

Pressure Vessel

DriveWorks Solo

This DriveWorks Solo Project has been upscaled from the Pressure Vessel Project in DriveWorksXpress.

The Forms have been designed, Drawings automated and Documents added to the Project.

This is a great way to learn about the journey from DriveWorksXpress to DriveWorks Solo and have a go at trying it for yourself!

Watch the video to learn how to run the project and then download it from the DriveWorks Solo website.

If you’re new to DriveWorks Solo, download the 30 day free trial and get involved!

DriveWorks Pro

DriveWorks Live is a great way to see our Industry Spotlight projects in action.

Use our Online Sales Configurator, which uses DriveWorks Pro, to customize your own products quickly and easily. Once you have made your choices, watch as DriveWorks Pro generates a 3D model and provides an instant quote.

Every project has a Demo Features text box which contains an explanation of each DriveWorks functionality that has been used.

This is a really quick and easy way to learn more about specific DriveWorks features used within the project and what they do