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Show & Tell and Exciting Announcements!

We haven’t blogged about our weekly Show & Tell’s for a while. Two weeks ago we were too busy with the successful bake sale to blog about Chris’ Show & Tell. Last week, we were even busier planning for something very exciting… DriveWorks World 2015!

This week though, we are back! Although we’re still very busy here’s an update on the Show & Tells from the past few weeks.

So as mentioned before, Chris Cassettari, a name most resellers will recognise, presented his role here at DriveWorks to us all.

Chris is our Pre-Sales Engineer, responsible for ensuring DriveWorks resellers are trained and certified. His presentation was about the Certification Process he takes resellers through.

Last week, Colin, one of the software developers here at DriveWorks, showed us all the wonderful (but EXTREMELY complex) world of code.

It was interesting to see how DriveWorks grows from being a bunch of letters, numbers and rules to a fully functioning useful piece of software!

Today it was Maria’s turn to Show & Tell. As Vice President, Maria has many roles within DriveWorks but this presentation covered her main role as part of the sales team. Maria explained last year’s sales targets and our objectives for the coming year.

The presentation also featured some top secret announcements, one being DriveWorks World 2015, for which plans are well underway and as mentioned earlier we will be revealing some information about very soon!

Not only that, you may have seen that in Maria’s last Show & Tell, we saw a sneak peek at the exciting new community. Today, Maria announced that she and other members of the DriveWorks team will be spending next week testing the new community, hinting that it is very nearly ready to go live!

We’ll keep you posted on that too, so watch this space for some very exciting upcoming announcements that we just can’t wait to share with you all!