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A Quacking Friday at DriveWorks HQ!

One of the perks of working in a converted barn is being surrounded by nature and beautiful countryside. Usually the DriveWorks team are greeted by the resident horses, however today we had a few extra visitors hanging about outside the office!

For a few days we’d been able to hear quacking but we weren’t sure where it was coming from! Today as the office was opening, we spotted a mother duck and five adorable ducklings hanging around outside the Barley Store.

We also discovered the source of the quacking when we found some duck eggs and a few more ducklings hidden in the bush next to our window!

Our site manager relocated them to a lovely area close to the local pond but later in the day we found a duckling that had returned to the office. The team are taking care of the duckling for now and we’re regularly checking to see if its mother has returned so they can be reunited.

What a lovely start to the day!