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Our People Are Hardworking, Brilliant, Honest & Passionate

DriveWorks HQ has had a makeover.

You may have seen our blogs this week about the new branding we have around the DriveWorks office.

Today’s feature artwork is from the meeting room.

The Meeting Room

It’s not just for meetings but for training, brainstorming and DriveWorks Design Club.

The walls are always filled with ideas, notes and designs. The artwork ties all of that passion and hard work together, whilst also reflecting what a great bunch of people make up the DriveWorks team.

Stefan wanted to make sure that the photos captured what we do day to day, our beliefs and our team spirit.

It was also really important that everyone was included. Even though not everyone enjoyed having their photo taken unexpectedly (it is clear from the photos though that some people fully embraced the opportunity) we have still ended up with a great piece of art that represents us all as a team.

We love it and can’t wait to show it off to all of our visitors!