New in DriveWorks 17: Task Status Outputs

Task Status Outputs in DriveWorks Pro

In DriveWorks you have complete control over customizing the workflow of your DriveWorks project. You control Who, What & When.

Specification Macros are one of the ways you can customize your workflow. They are a series of tasks that run when triggered, based on rules. They can be triggered from a variety of places, including buttons on your input form, Specification Flow, Specification Timers and more.

In DriveWorks 17 we added more ways to control your workflow by adding more status output navigation connection points to Specification Macro Tasks.

So, what are status outputs and why would you use them?

When a Specification Macro task is triggered, its status output reports on the task. In the past they would appear in a Specification’s Report as a green, amber or red entry depending on the success of the task.

When the Task was successful

When the Task was successful, but warnings were raised

When the Task failed

By adding status outputs to each Specification Macro Task node, as navigation connection points, you can use the status output of each task to have an impact on what happens during a Specification and go on to trigger more tasks.

Let’s look at one way these new status outputs can improve your implementation.

If you have a Release Documents task being triggered inside a Specification Macro, you can use the Status Outputs on the task’s node to trigger two different emails.

If the task is successful, you can send a successful email. This could be to you, the administrator, informing you that everything has worked as expected.

If the task is unsuccessful, and a manual check may be required, you can send an email telling you to check the specification.

Using these Status Outputs to build some manual reporting will improve the reliability of your implementation. This is just one advantage Status Outputs can bring to your implementation.

Status Outputs have now been added to many Specification Macro tasks.

The DriveWorks Pro Online Help File is a great resource to find out if a specific task supports Status Outputs and what the Status Outputs for a task will be.

Look through the tasks in the Specification Macro toolbox to see how you can use Status Outputs to improve your implementation.

The following Help File topics provide more information on Task Status Outputs in DriveWorks Pro:

Learn More About Workflow Technology in DriveWorks Pro

Learn more about the technology in DriveWorks Pro that lets you design an automated workflow that meets your company standards and procedures, provides reports and feedback and generates a companywide audit trail. Control users and group security, permissions and triggered actions.

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