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Have You Got a Question About DriveWorks?

Every Thursday the DriveWorks Tech Team share their knowledge and expertise in 30 minute value added webinars exclusively for DriveWorks Reseller AEs and DriveWorks Pro customers on subscription support.

On Thursday, November 5th, DriveWorks CEO, Glen will be hosting a Q & A session.

Q & A with DriveWorks CEO, Glen Smith

If you’re looking for the answer to a specific question about DriveWorks or would like to see a demonstration of how to do something within DriveWorks, this webinar is for you!

This session will give you the opportunity to put your questions to DriveWorks CEO, Glen Smith, who will answer them live throughout the webinar.

Glen has great technical knowledge and throughout the webinar he will have the ability to run projects in DriveWorksXpress, DriveWorks Solo and DriveWorks Pro in order to demonstrate how to achieve certain results.

In some instances, the answer to your question may already be available in our extensive range of DriveWorks resources, which include:

If this is the case, Glen will dive into the resources to show you to how locate the information you need.

Send us your questions!

All questions are welcome, technical or commercial, and will remain anonymous.

If there’s a question you’d like Glen to answer, please get in touch!