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Gemma’s SWUGN Tour

As a SOLIDWORKS Gold Partner product, we’re really keen to get involved with the SOLIDWORKS community.

In November Gemma, who runs the SWUGN Sponsorship program here at DriveWorks, was invited to present at four user group meetings. Gemma works hard to support SWUG leaders across the globe by arranging presenters and even putting together a box of handy resources and give-away prizes.

As she’s so involved with the SWUG network, Gemma was thrilled to be asked to present and arranged her first (but definitely not last!) SWUGN tour. After an eventful and exciting week, Gemma returned to DriveWorks HQ with lots of stories from the events.

Hi everyone! I’ve returned from my SWUG tour and I had such a great time meeting so many passionate SOLIDWORKS users. Here’s some details from my four meetings, over four days, across three states, written by a girl who had to learn to drive on the other side of the road…

NEOSWUG – North East Ohio

This meeting started with a scene setter, a great Jay Silver Tedtalk about creativity. This was a brilliant way to start the meeting and the energy in the room really stood out after we’d watched the video.

Everyone felt enthused and motivated and if that wasn’t enough there was more creative content to inspire the group members, including a what’s new in SOLIDWORKS 2016 presentation, a DriveWorksXpress demo and the best Mexican food I’ve ever had!

Jerry and Craig have been running these meetings for around two years and I think they’re doing a really great job of bringing people together to learn from each other and share ideas. Well done guys!

  • When? 16th November 2015
  • Where? Beckett Gas
  • roup Leaders – Jerry Kassil and Craig Riedel

“I wanted to thank you again for coming out to our NEOSWUG meeting on Monday.  We have had an incredible amount of positive feedback from the meeting.  I think it meant a lot to our user base that someone from DriveWorks was willing to travel as far as you did, and spend time showing them what a great tool they have access to inside of SOLIDWORKS.  Again, we would like to thank You and the DriveWorks Team for the support of our group, and we will see you in Dallas in a little over 2 months!”  – Craig Riedel

Louisville SWUG

This meeting was held at First Build, a facility filled with inspiration, ideas and creativity. The great thing about this meeting was to see an audience filled with lots of young engineers and designers. It was really inspiring to see so many young people sharing their creative ideas and engaging with each other.

The members asked some really encouraging questions which showed off just how bright and brilliant they all are and it was encouraging to see such creativity taking place between education and industry.

I presented from behind a cookery counter and it felt like I was fulfilling my life long dream of hosting my own cookery show!

  • When? 17th November 2015
  • Where? First Build
  • Group Leader – Bryan Ray

Central Indiana SWUG

This meeting was held in a cool teppanyaki restaurant where everyone was able to please their own taste buds. The group was really friendly and I was made to feel very welcome, one of the members even wore a Royal Mail jacket to bring a touch of the UK to the meeting.

CATI did a brilliant What’s New in SOLIDWORKS 2016 presentation and the members of the group had lots of questions about DriveWorksXpress. I really enjoyed speaking to them about the software and I hope they learnt a lot from me too!

I took the opportunity to get a group picture with everyone and felt right at home amongst this group of lovely people!

  • When? 18th November 2015
  • Where? Teppenyaki Grill, 9701 east Washington Street, Indianapolis.
  • Group Leader – Peter Fischer

GEASWUG – Evansville

I got the pleasure of touring the Berry Plastics Evansville facility and what a facility it is! I was so impressed with the factory tour I only have one picture…and it’s of me, holding a whole load of Subway cups! Thanks to Michael for taking good care of me all day!

This meeting was another brilliant mix of industry and education, attended by a huge 44 members! The room was filled with enthusiasm and in true SWUGN style, lots of fun.

Many of the students from the meeting have been back in touch with me since I got home and have expressed a desire to learn more about DriveWorksXpress, which is great!

I’m going to be working with their tutor, Andrew Beadles, to deliver a web based seminar to the students who couldn’t attend the meeting. I’m really looking forward to getting involved and helping the students to learn more about DriveWorks.

  • When? 19th November 2015
  • Where? Berry Plastics Corporation
  • Group Leader – Michael Marshall

My first SWUG tour was a great success and I really enjoyed presenting and helping people to learn more about DriveWorksXpress.

The tour was also a great opportunity to see first hand the impact SWUGN has on designers and engineers around the world. The values of sharing knowledge and inspiration were present at all four meetings and the enthusiasm from everyone at the meetings was unique.

It was a real pleasure to be a part of so many great meetings, thank you to the group leaders and attendees who made my journey across the USA so enjoyable. I’m really looking forward to meeting you all again at SOLIDWORKS World 2016.

Don’t Forget…

We’re also running a SWUGN Group Leader of the year award at SOLIDWORKS World 2016. The prize and award will go to the most engaged group leader, which can be achieved by:

  • Contributing to the DriveWorks monthly group leader newsletter
  • Sending us updates/pictures about you meetings
  • Coming to visit the DriveWorks stand at SOLIDWORKS World
  • Approaching DriveWorks to sponsor your SWUGN meetings

If you’re a SWUGN leader and you need our help, or if you’d like to contribute towards the monthly newsletter, please get in touch!