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Execution Beyond Expectation

DriveWorks HQ has had a makeover.

You may have seen on our Facebook page, DriveWorks HQ has had a makeover. We are lucky enough to have a 250 year old barn as our office and we didn’t think it was possible to make it look any better. You’ll see in this series of blog posts, the artwork we’ve added gives our office some DriveWorks personality.

As mentioned on our Facebook page, our foyer has a new red wall and DriveWorks logo.

Our Graphics Designer, Stefan, has been busy creating not only this, but lots of new artwork that is now up around the office. Every day this week we’ll be blogging about each piece and telling you the story behind it.

Today, we want to share with you the Operations office branding.

DriveWorks Operations Team

This piece is in the Operations office and represents the hard work the Operations team do, working as the cogs of DriveWorks.

The Operations team constantly go beyond what is expected of them. Not only when it comes to helping us all internally, but also when helping our Resellers and their customers.

Stefan used the skydiving image as a reference to the way the Operations team work together in harmony to keep DriveWorks running as efficiently and as smoothly as possible.

We’ve got lots more art to share with you and we’ll be blogging about them all week. Make sure you’re following us on social media so you don’t miss any!