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Embedding DriveWorks as a Configurator in your Website?

Check out the DriveWorks Live Integration Module.

DriveWorks Pro is made up of different license types: DriveWorks Administrator, DriveWorks Autopilot and DriveWorks Live. Companies that want to integrate DriveWorks as a configurator in to an external website, can use the integration module functionality in DriveWorks Pro Live to do this.

This webinar will show you how to use the integration functionality to pass values into a specification from the URL itself, or by embedding your DriveWorks forms using DriveWorks Live in a frame or iframe, on your existing website. We will cover how to start using the integration module to pass data to the specification through the URL as well as more advanced options such as how to Auto Login to your DriveWorks Group and even how to automatically start a specification.

If you are taking your forms and putting them inside your own website then you will want to think about using the functionality of the integration module and the features it brings.

This is a value add event for DriveWorks Customers with an active subscription support contract and all Authorized Value Added DriveWorks Resellers.

You can register here

