DriveWorks World brings together our users from around the world. The interaction and knowledge sharing from our users make the event a hugely valuable event, so thank you for joining us and joining in!
So much valuable content was shared over the three-day event by the DriveWorks Team and our community of Resellers, Partners and Customers.
Here’s a round up of what happened at DriveWorks World 2023…
950+ DriveWorks users joined DriveWorks World 2023
3 Days of knowledge sharing
57 live sessions presented across the 3 days
19 hours of live sessions presented
11 customer presentations
127 on-demand learning sessions available to watch
188 question submissions
608 questions and enhancment suggestion upvotes
608 votes cast in live polls
37 one to one meetings with DriveWorks experts
Watch some of the action and see behind the scenes…
There’s Still Time to Learn
The DriveWorks World 2023 Event App is still open for you to access of the valuable technical learning content.

Watch Back Live Sessions
Catch up on all of the knowledge shared during the panel discussions, project run through’s, workshops and expert Q&As throughout the event. If you missed any of the sessions, or want to watch them again, you’ll find the recordings in the Watch Live Sessions On-Demand area of the DriveWorks World 2023 Event App.

Access DriveWorks World On-Demand Content
Alongside the live broadcast, this year there were also over 100 on-demand technical learning sessions, covering a variety of DriveWorks topics at different skill levels. All of these on-demand sessions are still available for attendees to watch in the event app. Once the event app closes, the sessions will all be moved over to the DriveWorks Learning Portal.
Don’t forget you can also submit your feedback about the event within the event app.
If you need help accessing the app, or have questions or suggestions for future events, please email us.