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DriveWorks World 2023 Day One Highlights

DriveWorks World is our annual value-added technical event for DriveWorks users.

This year DriveWorks World is being held as a virtual event across three days.

Day one of the event put a focus on DriveWorks resellers.

This preview was an opportunity for resellers from around the world to spend valuable time with the DriveWorks team and hear the latest news and updates from us.

Exclusive Reseller Preview Day

During the Reseller Preview Day, DriveWorks Vice President, Maria Sarkar, and Commercial Director, Mark Sarkar hosted reseller-specific sessions to provide updates on our technology and to make sure our resellers are well-placed to support our ever-growing number of users worldwide.

Our resellers heard from DriveWorks CEO, Glen Smith on extending the capability of DriveWorks. He also gave a sneak preview of What’s New in DriveWorks 21, ahead of the official What’s New sessions happening today and tomorrow.

We welcomed other members of the DriveWorks team to share important news and insights with different reseller teams.

To round the day off, Maria and Mark were proud to announce the winners of the DriveWorks Reseller Awards 2022.

If you are a DriveWorks reseller and you missed any of yesterday’s sessions, they are now available to watch back within the DriveWorks World 2023 event app.

Join us at DriveWorks World

There’s still time to register

Today and tomorrow, DriveWorks World is open to all DriveWorks users.

DriveWorks Customers with Active Subscription, Resellers and Partners are invited to join us on both days.

We will be presenting What’s New in DriveWorks 21, holding technical panel discussions, running through how projects are built, and answering your questions live.

We’ve also invited some of our customers to share how they’re using DriveWorks, to share tips, ideas, and things they’ve learnt along the way.

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