Supporting the Cheshire and Warrington Pledge
The Cheshire and Warrington Pledge Partnership joins with employers to inspire, inform and communicate with the next generation of employees in Cheshire and Warrington. Business work together with educators to provide young people in the area with everything they need to succeed in the world of work.
Employers work directly with young people, teachers, parents, carers and youth workers to provide employability-related skills and highlight the employment opportunities available.
We’ve been working with the Pledge since the very beginning. Maria Sarkar, VP & Co-Founder at DriveWorks explains why supporting the Cheshire & Warrington Pledge is important to us.
“Supporting young people and nurturing talent in the community is a core value of our business. We’ve made Bridie from the DriveWorks team responsible for supporting the Pledge and have set aside time in her role to get involved in a variety of events and initiatives to help inspire the next generation. We are also delighted to be employer contributors to the Cheshire & Warrington Digital Skills Board.”
Pledge Celebration Event
Recently the Pledge hosted a Celebration Event to look back at their accomplishments over the last 3 years and share their plans for the future.
It was a brilliant opportunity to bring together all partners, organisations and young people and hear how the Pledge has made a difference over the last three years.
The event celebrated the success of the pledge and shared ideas with businesses, schools and young people about taking The Pledge forward.
Bridie was on the employer panel, sharing what matters most to partners of the Pledge and sharing the work businesses are doing to inspire the next generation of employees.
Outstanding Contribution Award
As part of the event, The Cheshire and Warrington Pledge also took the opportunity to say a special thank you to some of the people who have supported the Pledge over the past three years.
We’re extremely proud that DriveWorks’ Bridie was presented with the Outstanding Contribution Award. Bridie works closely with the Pledge, our local Pledge Facilitator and local education to support young people in Cheshire & Warrington.
A huge well done to Bridie for being recognised for her hard work and commitment.
“Bridie has been an outstanding Enterprise Advisor and advocate of the Pledge since it began, originally working with Kings Leadership Academy, Warrington.
Bridie has created opportunities for schools across Cheshire and Warrington and a multitude of students have benefited from this. Examples of this include VWEX, 5 days of Digital, the Digital Expo, languages in the workplace workshop plus a host of online events.
In fact, it is difficult to think of a project or initiative that Bridie hasn’t supported us with!
Bridie is now also the Chair of the Warrington Management Group where she continues to drive careers development opportunities through employers. Her infectious positivity and drive to make every experience the best it can possibly be is the reason for this nomination.”
– Trevor Langston, Pledge Lead
Well Done and Thank You Cheshire & Warrington Pledge
The Pledge are now working with all mainstream schools in Cheshire and Warrington and are supported by over 400 businesses in the area. They provide a fantastic service and are successfully inspiring the next generation, providing young people with the skills and resources to be able to recognise and embrace the opportunities available to them.
We’re proud to be working with the Pledge and look forward to continuing to work together.
We’d like to say a huge well done to all of the award winners, and well done and thank you to the Pledge for all of the fantastic work they do.
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If you would like to work in a challenging and fun environment, where your contribution towards the future of our award-winning software and team is valued, encouraged and supported, get in touch.