Home / Visiativ France Events

Visiativ France Events

DriveWorks are joining Visiativ at their in person events across France this year.

The Visiativ myCAD events will include conferences, practical workshops and partner meetings. These events are a great way to explore new SOLIDWORKS® and DriveWorks features and strengthen your practical skills.

We look forward to catching up with you there!

Find out more and register now on the Visiativ website.

Registration and admission is free.

Lille, France

Tuesday, October 15th

9am – 4:30pm CEST

Strasbourg, France

Thursday, October 17th

9am – 4:30pm CEST

Nantes, France

Tuesday, November 5th

9am – 4:30pm CEST

Toulouse, France

Thursday, November 7th

9am – 4:30pm CEST

Lyon, France

Tuesday, November 12th

8:30am – 4:30pm CEST