As a SOLIDWORKS Gold Partner product, we’re really keen to get involved with the SOLIDWORKS community.
Recently Heather, who is involved in running the SWUGN Sponsorship program here at DriveWorks, teamed up with SwugOne group leader Todd Blacksher and hit the road visiting SWUG meetings in Nebraska and Missouri.
From Nebraska, to Missouri and Back Again!
“Hi everyone! On Sunday, May 22, I boarded my plane from Boston headed to Nebraska to begin my very first three-city SWUGN Tour as part of the DriveWorks SWUGN Sponsorship Program.
Over the last few weeks I’ve been working with Todd Blacksher to plan this tour and our presentations. We knew it would be successful – but what I didn’t realize was how much fun we would have along the way and what a great experience it was to get to know the user group community! An added bonus to the trip was being included in the “Flat @SWUGN” initiative where Richard Doyle is making his ‘virtual’ tour around the world with the help of SWUGN leaders.”

OnSwug – Omaha, Nebraska – 23rd May
“The first stop on our SWUGN tour was in Omaha, Nebraska where I was thrilled to be a part of the first meeting being led by new user group leader Chris Wurtele.
Todd Blacksher and I co-presented about DriveWorksXpress and while we worked out a few of the ‘first night’ jitters we had a very successful meeting with engaged attendees who were curious about DriveWorksXpress and how it can be used.
After our presentation attendees had a chance to engage in questions with each other as well as contributing to the future agendas for this group. DriveWorks also donated a Quadcopter which was won by University of Nebraska student Patrick Collins.”

St. Joseph SWUG – Missouri – 24th May
“When planning this SWUGN tour, I knew there would be a road trip component and I’m always up for that! On Tuesday afternoon, Todd and I started our 2 ½ hour drive from Nebraska to Missouri to attend the St. Joseph, Missouri SWUG meeting.
Todd and I presented to a very full house and I had a chance to meet with several users to introduce myself and get to know some of them and the work they are doing.
We also had the pleasure to hear from a local FIRST Robotics Team on their journey to the World Championship Competition. It’s truly amazing the passion for design that runs through the veins of these meetings and it’s hard to not leave at the end of the night completely energized no matter what time it is or how long our journey back would be!
We raffled another Quadcopter that evening and the winner was Eric Larson, an Engineer from Altec Industries.”

SwugOne – Lincoln, Nebraska, 25th May
“The last stop on my SWUGN Tour was the SwugOne meeting that is run by Todd Blacksher himself in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Having spent the week with Todd and learning about the other SWUG groups in this area and the energy he has devoted to working with the other groups to be successful you’d think he wouldn’t have any energy left for his own group – but he does.
Todd’s energy could be bottled and sold to anyone that needs an extra ‘boost’ in their day and he would still have leftovers! Once again Todd and I ‘tag teamed’ in our presentation about DriveWorksXpress and we were met with great questions from existing SOLIDWORKS users who also engaged in discussion with each other and shared their knowledge in their respective work environments.
The raffle prize for this meeting was an Amazon FireStick and was awarded to Saeideh Akbarisamani, a graduate student in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Nebraska.”