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Your DriveWorks Sales Configurator and The Importance of Colour

How important is color in your Sales Configurator?

As more and more companies choose to interact with their customers online and websites become shop windows, it’s increasingly important to think about user experience, especially for custom products.

If you are using DriveWorks as an Online Sales Configurator – allowing your dealers and customers to view and fill out your forms to create quotes and configure new products – it’s important that your forms are consistent with your company’s branding and current color scheme. But did you know that the choice of color on your forms can also influence buyers?

It’s fairly obvious that horrible looking forms using colors that are not so easy on the eye would probably make customers want to get off your website as quickly as their mouse will let them. In fact, people make a sub-conscious judgement about an environment within just 90 seconds.

What’s not so obvious is that there are actually some psychological factors to consider when choosing colors.

A recent blog post from HubSpot has some surprising statistics about how color can influence what we purchase.

Their graphic reveals that almost 85% of consumers see color as the main reason they buy a particular product.
What does this mean for your online forms?
Well, if a customer is comparing your products with a competitor’s and they prefer the colors on your forms, they will choose your products.

HubSpot also say that when buying a product, 93% of people look at visual appearance.
This means, if people like the look of your forms, they will be more likely to use them, and in return, more likely to buy your products.

The blog post from HubSpot also shows that colors can improve comprehension by 73%. This means that using the right colors in your forms can help people to understand your products and the options available to them. This is particularly important for companies with complicated products, or products with many options.

Another staggering fact is that over half of shoppers did not return to a store because of the way it looked. Imagine if customers didn’t like the look of your forms, so they didn’t return to your website. That is definitely something to avoid.

The good news is that if you use DriveWorks as your Sales Configurator, you can use all the functionality built in to the DriveWorks form designer to choose the colors, fonts and much more to help you deliver a great online experience.

So based on all of this, how do you decide which colors are best for your forms?

It’s important to consider the emotions a color might evoke or what it symbolizes as well as any political references the color may have. This will help to decide how your customers will feel about the color.

You can find out what each color means with HubSpot’s handy breakdown.

What do red and blue say about DriveWorks?

Red evokes strong emotion and increases passion and intensity. Red encourages appetite (that explains our love of cake!) and increases heart rate. Red governs our root chakra, relating to survival and safety.

Blue relates to peace and calmness. Because of the sky and the sea, the color blue is perceived as a constant in human life. Blue is reported to increase productivity, trust and security. Blue governs our throat chakra, relating to communication and trust.

Read the full article with the list of colours here: blog.hubspot.com/psychology-of-colour