Home / Blog / A Busy Day Supporting Our Resellers at Their SOLIDWORKS 2019 Launch Events!

A Busy Day Supporting Our Resellers at Their SOLIDWORKS 2019 Launch Events!

October has been a very busy month for the DriveWorks team!

We’ve been on the road supporting our resellers at their SOLIDWORKS 2019 launch events.

Thursday 18th October was a very popular date on the calendar and lots of our resellers invited us to join them.

We really enjoy attending these valuable events and we’re pleased to say that yesterday we attended 6 SOLIDWORKS 2019 launch events in 5 countries!

Phil was also in Warsaw, Poland, delivering a training class.

Here’s a short round-up of each event:

CONNECT by Visiativ – Lyon, France

Maria and Thomas travelled to the Groupama Stadium in Lyon, France, to join Visiativ at their annual customer event.

CONNECT by Visiativ is an event for companies that want to boost their growth and competitiveness by placing digital at the heart of their strategy. It focuses on the sharing of experiences and technological innovation by bringing together users and general / functional management of industrial companies, retail or services.

We were delighted that Christophe Demunyck and Alexandre Salmon from Visiativ, both DriveWorks Certified Professionals, joined Maria and Thomas on our booth.

Christophe also did a live presentation covering Design Automation and CPQ in the Demo Zone. Attendees were given audio equipment so that they could clearly hear and concentrate on the presentation above the general noise levels generated by the 1000+ attendees!

Maria and Thomas said it was great to meet some new people and also to talk to existing DriveWorks customers who were keen to show us their DriveWorks configurators. Watch our blog for future success stories!

Design Solutions Innovatiedag 2018 – Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Tom and Ollie joined Design Solutions in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, at their Innovatiedag 2018 event.

The theme was innovation and the event kicked off with a great welcome presentation by Arnaud Kooij to over 200 attendees! This was followed by Berry Mulder discussing the new functions and enhancements in SOLIDWORKS 2019.

Geert Hendrikx and Jeroen van der Burg, Applications Engineers at Design Solutions and Certified DriveWorks Professionals, hosted a great DriveWorks breakout session. They discussed how to save time and money by using product configurators and automating design processes.

Simon Booker, Vice President – SOLIDWORKS Global, wrapped the day up with an insight into how 3D CAD and related applications will develop in the coming years.

COFFEE Technology Forum – Munich, Germany

Glen and Ian were in Munich, supporting Coffee at one of their Technology Forum events.

The event was at a really cool venue, the Cineplex in Germering, and it was great to see DriveWorks and SOLIDWORKS 2019 shown on the silver screen!

Tobias Grebe and Torsten Seelig from Coffee gave attendees a great introduction to DriveWorks software. They also held a DriveWorks Solo hands-on session which was very popular.

This is the third Coffee Technology Forum event we’ve supported. Earlier in the month, Mark and Tom joined Coffee in Dortmund and Cologne.

If you’d like to attend one of Coffee’s events, there’s still time to sign up and join them in Haiger or Hannover.

TriMech Technology Day – North Carolina, USA

Heather was in Greensboro, North Carolina at the TriMech Technology Day. She was joined on our booth by Devin Martin, an Applications Engineer at TriMech.

The event was held at the Proximity Hotel and lots of people joined TriMech to learn about what’s new in SOLIDWORKS 2019 and test their skills in the Model Mania competition.

There were lots of DriveWorks customers at the event and Heather really enjoyed chatting to them about the great things they’re doing with DriveWorks.

Heather also caught up with James Adkins, group leader of the Burlington Alamance County SOLIDWORKS User Group (BACON SWUG). At SOLIDWORKS World 2018, we presented James with the DriveWorks Award for SWUGN Leader of the Year due to his commitment to education.

MLC CAD Systems SOLIDWORKS 2019 Launch Event – Texas, USA

For the past week, Mark has been in Texas, USA, supporting MLC CAD Systems at their SOLIDWORKS 2019 launch events.

On Tuesday 16th October he joined them at the Alamo Beer Company in San Antonio and on Wednesday 17th October, he was at Cooper’s Old Time Pit Bar-B-Que in Fort Worth.

Yesterday, he attended their final event which was held at Main Event Entertainment in Austin.

MLC CAD held all of their events at fantastic venues and we were pleased to see so many people joining them to learn about the latest updates in SOLIDWORKS 2019.

Mark spoke to lots of attendees at the events and he also caught up with some DriveWorks customers, including Rob Miller of Chatsworth Products.

It was also great to catch up with Travis Jones, Applications Expert at MLC CAD, and hear more about what’s he’s been up to since we last saw him at DriveWorks World 2018.

Solid Solutions Group SOLIDWORKS 2019 Launch Event – Cambridge, UK

Over the past month we’ve attended 8 of the Solid Solutions Group‘s SOLIDWORKS 2019 launch events. We’ve joined them in Durham, Doncaster, Manchester, Bath, Southampton, Droitwich and Leicester.

Yesterday, Laura and Oliver supported them at another event which was held at the Imperial War Museum in Cambridge.

Solid Solutions always host their SOLIDWORKS launch events at really cool venues and the Imperial War Museum didn’t disappoint. Not only was there lots of cool war memorabilia, there were also plenty of classic cars on display!

It was a great event and Laura and Ollie had the opportunity to speak to a lot of attendees and tell them all about DriveWorks design automation and CPQ for manufacturing.

Training with DPS Software – Warsaw, Poland

On Wednesday 17th October, Phil travelled to Warsaw to exhibit at the DPS Forum 2018.

The event focused on Industry 4.0 and the affects that digitization can have on indirect production areas and production upstream development areas.

They also discussed what’s new in SOLIDWORKS 2019 and gave attendees the opportunity to try Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality technologies.

It was a brilliant event and 540 people attended!

Yesterday, Phil spent the day at DPS’ offices, delivering a DriveWorks training session to their Technical Support team. 13 members of their team physically attended his training session and 4 people joined in via a web meeting. This was a great turn out and it shows DPS’ dedication to providing great DriveWorks support!

Thank you to our resellers for inviting us to attend and exhibit at your events!