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Building Resilience with Digital Transformation

Digital technologies provide the tools and capabilities necessary to navigate businesses through disruptions, adapt to changing circumstances, and ensure the continuity of operations.

If the pandemic has taught businesses anything, it’s that digital solutions can help build resilience against such events. It was reported that 57% of businesses said technology was critical to overcoming market changes due to the pandemic.

Leveraging the available digital technologies enables businesses to enhance communication and collaboration, combat uncertainty, optimize processes, make data-driven decisions, engage customers effectively, increase agility, strengthen stakeholder engagementand more.

Embracing change to make room for digital transformation also equips businesses with the agility and flexibility needed to withstand and recover from challenges, making them more resilient.

We’ve put together some key takeaways that discuss the importance of being a resilient, technology-driven company.

Building a resilient workforce

Investing in digital also means investing in your workforce. All teams can feel the benefits of digital transformation. Automating mundane, repetitive tasks and reducing errors improves job satisfaction. Using digital technologies frees up employees to be more productive, and focus on what humans do best – adding value. In 2022, it was reported that businesses with the highest digital IQs saw boosts in employee productivity of 77% since 2020.

Strong links and good communication between teams across an organization are essential. It helps reduce errors that may occur as a result of teams sharing data and information. When data is shared manually, there is too much room for error. Errors are often costly and have an impact on team morale. Digital tools aid communication between teams, regardless of where they are – essential with the rise in flexible working policies in many workplaces.

There is a misconception that digitizing areas of a company means a loss of jobs. Digital technologies actually make monotonous jobs easier by freeing up employee time, enabling them to work more efficiently and dedicate time to more creative, valuable tasks. Recognizing this fear amongst employees is the first step to helping them overcome it. Employers should explain how technology can make the day-to-day tasks of their employees easier. Human and digital workforces should work hand in hand, to make entire business systems work better.

Staying ahead of competitors

Embracing digital technologies brings many benefits to manufacturers. It helps businesses to stay ahead of their competition and improve traditional processes.

Technology is changing the way consumers and businesses research and buy products. With this comes the need for manufacturers to use technology to keep up with growing demand.

Technology enables manufacturers to design quicker, communicate better, and transform the customer experience.

Digital technologies enable more immersive buying experiences. Customers can make changes, personalize options and visualize their selections. Meanwhile, businesses can reduce design and production times by increasing efficiency and streamlining internal processes.

By using digital tools to their full potential, businesses can create a distinct competitive advantage. Businesses are able to respond to emerging trends and changes in the industry quickly. This type of proactiveness sets companies apart from their competitors.

How are DriveWorks Customers Embracing Technology?

European Special Ladders S.A. (ESLA), headquartered in Barcelona, design and manufacture tailor-made ladders, work platforms, and scaffolding.

ESLA is transforming its customer experience by achieving several goals:

  • Minimizing the chance of errors
  • Drastically reducing the time it takes from initial inquiry to deliver the end product
  • Dedicate more time to research and development 

Find out more about how ESLA is automating with DriveWorks here.