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PMF-System Build an Integrated Online Sales Configurator with DriveWorks Pro

PMF wanted to build an online configurator solution that their customers could easily access and interact with. With DriveWorks, they have done just that, and more

PMF-System, headquartered in Switzerland, is an award-winning start-up company specializing in custom-made furniture for industry.

PMF wanted to build an online configurator solution that their customers could easily access and interact with. They also wanted to reduce repetitive sales tasks and to stand out from their competitors by having an online sales platform.

Before implementing DriveWorks software

Before adding DriveWorks to their design process, PMF-System would receive several requests for similar products, such as table frames, workbenches, and trollies. A lot of lengthy sales work was required for each specification and it wasn’t adding to the customer experience.

Customers create custom products with ease

When PMF’s customers access the online configurator tool, they can select the type of product they want to configure, for example, a table frame or workbench. They can then specify the options they want for this product, such as the style, colors, and dimensions.

Each time an option is selected, an interactive 3D model is displayed automatically.

Once the customer is happy with their configured product, they simply click add to cart inside the online configurator and can proceed to

Why DriveWorks?

PMF-System uses SOLIDWORKS as their 3D CAD solution and selected DriveWorks as their configurator solution due to the software being a SOLIDWORKS Gold Partner Product. The out-of-the-box integration with SOLIDWORKS made it easy to set up the configurator and start automating their product lines.

PMF has utilized the integration capabilities of DriveWorks to integrate their configurator with the e-commerce solution WooCommerce. PMF
selected WooCommerce because it easily integrates with DriveWorks, owing to DriveWorks’ ability to send HTTP requests.

“To use DriveWorks correctly, your business technical knowledge is more important than any programming knowledge. A few days of training with a DriveWorks expert and you will be ready to create configurable models”.

Lino Peverada, CEO & Founder, PMF-System CH

The future of PMF-System with DriveWorks

 PMF wants to use the time saved with DriveWorks to develop even more models and product lines to appeal to a wider customer base, as well as further enhance their configurator to make it even easier for their end users to configure PMF products online.

More than a design tool

PMF’s configurator not only enhances the experience of their current customers, but they also use it as a marketing tool to attract new
clients. Their configurator is public-facing, which enables potential clients to easily browse their range of products and try out the configurator for themselves.

PMF has also partnered with a European retailer specializing in home, garden, and workshop products. This partnership allows end users to choose a model from the company’s website and then configure that product using the PMF configurator.

PMF-System presented at DriveWorks World 2023

At DriveWorks World 2023, we heard from many of our customers from a range of industries, sharing how they’re using the software. PMF shared how they have taken a scalable approach to building their DriveWorks project.

Take a look at some of our other customers who showcased their DriveWorks journey to our community in our round-up blog.

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