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DriveWorks Drivers September Meeting Round Up

DriveWorks Drivers September Meeting Round-Up

In 2020, we hosted the very first meeting of DriveWorks Drivers.

We had so much fun, and it was so successful that we’ve hosted 3 meetings since, and they seem to be getting better and better each time. DriveWorks Drivers is an opportunity for DriveWorks users from around the world to connect, share ideas and talk DriveWorks!

We have enjoyed the opportunity to get our customersresellers, and partners together to share technical knowledge as well as practical experience. DriveWorks Drivers has given us the chance to get people together to share successespose challengesnetwork, and support each other.

DriveWorks Drivers is hosted via Microsoft Teams at both 3pm (BST) and 9pm (BST). Hosting at different times has provided the opportunity for our global community join at a time that suits them.

On Thursday, September 9th we hosted the fourth DriveWorks Drivers meeting – here’s what happened during the event!

September 9th DriveWorks Drivers Meeting

DriveWorks Announcement, DriveWorks Tech Tips and the DriveWorks Graduate Library Project!

Just after Bridie and Heather kicked off the meeting and welcomed everyone back, our marketing team announced the launch of our new technical discussion sessions – “Let’s Chat About”. This brand-new discussion series will help our customers and resellers learn more about DriveWorks, improve technical knowledge and get the most from the software.

We were then joined by Oliver, DriveWorks Senior Applications Engineer to talk to us about DriveWorks Tech Tips. Tech Tips are small example projects created by our team to let you see and explore DriveWorks functionality in action.

Graduate Project – Library Project

Next, we were excited to host our graduate students to show the Library Project they have developed using DriveWorks.

Will, Olivia, Carl and Callum created a digital lending library using DriveWorks to index, categorise, and review books available to be borrowed in our offices.

The project incorporates two of our favourite things at DriveWorks – automation and expanding our knowledge.

Stepping through the project, the graduates showed how they have thought about all aspects of what the project needs to include to fit our operational team’s needs. It was great to see the work they had put in and also their plans for growing the project in the future.

Customers also commented on how seeing the Library Project gave them ideas and inspiration for functionality they could use in their own DriveWorks projects.

Customer Presentations

Customer presentations are a big part of all DriveWorks Drivers meetings. We were extremely pleased to welcome more DriveWorks customers to share their story – no matter how new or experienced a customer may be, there is always something to be learned or shared.

Justin Plattner from Knapheide

Justin Plattner, Design Engineer from Knapheide, gave an overview of how they are using DriveWorks for design automation.

Knapheide is a company that designs, manufactures and installs work truck bodies and truck beds – they are based in Illinois.

They have been a DriveWorks customer since 2007 and have been working with DriveWorks to automate their SOLIDWORKS designs and drawings.

Justin showed how they have been using Generation Tasks and also how they are able to drive uncaptured models using DriveWorks 19.

Leah Adams from ColePak

Leah Adams, DriveWorks Engineer from ColePak, Inc. gave a great update on how they have been using DriveWorks.

ColePak Inc. is a company that designs and manufactures interior packaging.

Leah joined us at DriveWorks World 2021 in April where she was just getting started with their plans to implement DriveWorks.

In this update we got to see how Leah had implemented what she had learnt about DriveApps at DriveWorks World – we’re already looking forward to hearing what they do next!

Word Cloud Exercise

Anyone who has been to an in-person DriveWorks World event remembers the sticky whiteboards we’ve put up on the wall. This has always been a great way to capture feature requests, enhancements, and many of you also commented on each other’s suggestions.

During this meeting, we took the opportunity to ask attendees to share with us any words that they associate with DriveWorks the software, DriveWorks the company or the DriveWorks team.  As we meet through Microsoft Teams, we asked them to simply enter the words into the chat.

We will share the results of this exercise in a future blog – so stay tuned!

Thank you to everyone for joining us at all DriveWorks Drivers meetings and making them a great success, we look forward to seeing you all again at our next meeting.

What’s Next?

Celebrating One Year of DriveWorks Drivers!

Join us on Thursday, December 9th for the One Year Anniversary Meeting of DriveWorks Drivers!

We are planning a packed event that will include presentations from our customers on how they have used DriveWorks to create fun configurators and games! Stay tuned for details!

If you would like to register your interest for the next event, please get in touch with us.

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