We are pleased to announce ConfiCreate have joined the DriveWorks Partner Program!
ConfiCreate is a company dedicated to helping customers, who want to use DriveWorks but don’t have the time or resources, to automate their business processes by using DriveWorks.
ConfiCreate was founded by Simone Mulder, Certified DriveWorks Professional with a variety of experience using DriveWorks. Find out more about Simone and her background in SOLIDWORKS and DriveWorks below.

About ConfiCreate
“I started working as an engineer a Dutch company that produces customized hinges. My job was to make 3D-drawings of hinges in SOLIDWORKS.”
“After a while, my supervisor told me the company was thinking of using DriveWorks to automate the engineering process. We followed a training program in DriveWorks Solo and I knew this was exactly what I wanted to do for the company. I asked my supervisor if I could take care of the implementation and so I automated about 90% of the engineering process.”
“Later I started working for Cadmes, a Dutch SOLIDWORKS reseller. My job there was to deliver training and provide support for SOLIDWORKS. When Cadmes also become a DriveWorks reseller, I was really excited because I liked working with DriveWorks in the past so much.”

“Whilst working at Cadmes I visited the DriveWorks offices in the UK with 2 colleagues to sit the DriveWorks Pro training and certification and become a Certified DriveWorks Professional (CDWP).”
“Cadmes gave me the opportunity to keep on expanding my DriveWorks knowledge by creating demo’s, proof of concepts and I also built a BBQ skewer configurator to show what’s possible with DriveWorks.”
“When I found out some customers wanted to use DriveWorks, but just didn’t have the time or resources to create their own configurator, I started thinking about helping these companies. This is where I got the idea to start ConfiCreate.”
We are pleased to have ConfiCreate on board as an Authorized DriveWorks Services Partner. Find out more at conficreate.nl