As part of our Women in Engineering series to celebrate National Women in Engineering Day, we’re finding out more about some of the inspiring women we’re surrounded by…
Name: Crystal
Job Title: Training Manager & Applications Engineer
Company Name: CAPINC (Computer Aided Products INC), a SOLIDWORKS and DriveWorks Value Added Reseller.
Graduated with a BS from Purdue University in Computer Integrated Manufacturing Technology. Then spent 8 years in the engineering world, working as a design engineer in industrial equipment, consumer products and shaft coupling industries before joining CAPINC as an AE. Has worked at CAPINC for 6 years as of July.

Involvement in Engineering
As Training Manager, Crystal is responsible for organizing CAPINC’s Training schedule, including adding, cancelling, and rescheduling classes as needed. She also works with sellers and customers to define and schedule custom training. Part of Crystal’s role is to ensure that all CAPINC classes are fully equipped and staffed to run smoothly. She spends time promoting quality and consistency of all CAPINC instructors. As well as analysing business performance of Training activities at CAPINC. Crystal is always looking to develop ways to increase Training revenue and improve the positive business impact of Training.
Alongside this, Crystal continues her role as an Applications Engineer as well. These duties require her to teach the core SOLIDWORKS classes (Essentials, Advanced Parts, Advanced Assemblies, Advanced Drawings, Surfacing, Sheet Metal, Weldments, QuickStart, Reboot and Educator classes). As well as cover CAPINC’s tech support phones and emails to support customers in SOLIDWORKS, DriveWorks, and 3Dexperience products. She also creates SOLIDWORKS API/Macro programming as a service to their customers as well as supporting CAPINC’s marketing department with technical blog posts and webinars.
Qualifications and Recognition
Crystal has achieved the following SOLIDWORKS Certifications: CSWP, CSWI, CSWPA-SM, CSWPA-WD, CSWPA-SU, CSWSPA-DT, CSWE, CSWS-D, CSWS-MC, CSWS-3DX, CSWS-MD16 and CSWA-SD and has presented at SOLIDWORKS World for 6 years in a row.
She also has Certified DriveWorks Professional (CDWP) status after completing certifications in DriveWorks Solo and DriveWorks Pro.
“Don’t be afraid to be the only girl doing something. Whether it be a fun project or a class at school. Do it because you love it!”
Where did your initial interest in Engineering come from?
Loved to tinker with things. I got this from watching my dad do DIY projects. I would always “help”.
What advice would you give to young women interested in Engineering?
Don’t be afraid to be the only girl doing something. Whether it be a fun project or a class at school. Do it because you love it!
If you weren’t an Engineer what would you be?
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