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The Story of Our DriveWorks Mugs

How the DriveWorks Mugs Began

As many of you are probably aware, at DriveWorks we love anything that can be customised and personalised!

Anyone who has visited our Laskey Farm offices will know well, that our team can often be found with a hot drink in their hands – and not just in any ordinary mug.

Not only do our mugs have the DriveWorks logo printed on them, but they also have our names on them.

The personalised mugs are something that started when we were a much smaller team, but as we grew so did the space we needed to keep all our mugs!

The personalised mug has become part of our tradition at DriveWorks.

On everyone’s first day, they are welcomed into the team with a mandatory custom mug ready and waiting at their desk.

Each morning, when we arrive at the office, we are able to open the cupboard and spot our own mug instantly. 

We find our mugs are a great way to feel part of the team and help us avoid getting mixed up!

Greg’s Mug

But it’s not just members of the DriveWorks team who own DriveWorks mugs!

In the past, we have also been known to send out a personalised mug to say a big thank you to members of our community or to use as giveaways at events.

Last month, SOLIDWORKS user, Greg helped support us at a regional SWUG meeting.

We wanted to say thank you to Greg, so we got a personalised mug printed and sent over to Greg’s house.

Greg was so pleased with his own DriveWorks mug, he sent us a video of it at his desk!