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The end of Windows XP – 5 Reasons to upgrade!

When Windows XP first launched in 2001, 12 years ago, the DriveWorks journey was just beginning. Since then DriveWorks, and the world of computing, has come a long way.

In 2001, the recommended requirements for running Windows XP were a measly 300 MHz processor and 128mb of ram. Today, most phones have specifications that can easily outpace these specifications. DriveWorks is now on version 10, having added 3D previews, custom form designer and online integration along the way.  Despite the release of 5 versions of Windows since 2001, Windows XP still remains the second most used operating system globally.

In April this year, Windows will officially stop supporting the Windows XP platform, even for critical security issues.

For anyone still running Windows XP, here are a few reasons why it really is now time to upgrade.


As mentioned above, support for XP will end in April. This should be particularly worrying given that in December 2013 alone, three “critical” security flaws, which allowed attackers to remotely run malicious software on the machines, were patched in XP. From April Microsoft will no longer do this.

Some companies will no doubt attempt to paper over the cracks by disconnecting those machines that are running XP from the external network, this still however leaves these machines vulnerable to viruses that are found in the company intranet or even on a USB Stick.

What this all means, is that after April, any web connected Windows XP machine is like an open door, ready to warmly welcome any malicious code.

Data Protection

Related to the first point, decreased security makes data increasingly vulnerable. This poses a problem for businesses financially (as important customer data can be stolen) and also legally, as sensitive data must be protected by law. Simply put, any data that is stolen from your network comes under your legal jurisdiction and must be protected as such.

Latest Technology                         

Perhaps the most important reason for any business to upgrade their machines besides security, are the latest features that are found on newer versions of Windows and other programs too such as SolidWorks and DriveWorks. These new versions not only run at higher speeds, they also offer more functionality and improved usability.

For example the inbuilt support for 3D printing found in Windows 8.1 might be attractive to some companies and it’s worth noting that only Windows 7 and above can run the latest versions of SolidWorks and DriveWorks.

Speed and Reliability

Windows 8, Microsoft’s latest offering, not only offers a graphical overhaul, but also gives users a faster smoother and more reliable operating system. While it might seem that a smooth operating system is not a necessity, the improved productivity afforded by a fully functional operating system is surely worth the investment.

Conclusion: Increase Productivity and Stay Safe

Installing a new version of Windows across your business might seem like a daunting and costly task, but the time lost in the installation process will be made back ten times over with the security, usability and speed increases afforded to you by new versions of Windows, SolidWorks and DriveWorks.

So don’t hold back, take the plunge.

You won’t regret it.