Introducing The DriveWorks Challenge! As Seen On TV (DriveWorks World TV, that is)
DriveWorks invites you to join us for our newest game, The DriveWorks Challenge.
Join the DriveWorks Challenge
The idea is simple, we will provide you with a brief and a starter project, and all you need to do is complete the project to meet the requirements in the brief. The challenge is designed to be relatively quick (we certainly don’t want to make more work for you!) and to help you explore new ways of thinking and working within DriveWorks.
The goal of The DriveWorks Challenge is to provide you with a quick, fun puzzle that can help you shift mental gears and change the way that you look at DriveWorks and at your own implementation.
We will give you plenty of time (think calendar, not timer) to complete the challenge and you can put as much or as little effort into it as you see appropriate.
We want to see your most creative solutions!
At the end of the challenge, we will post a video and DriveWorks Package (.drivepkg) showing how we solved the challenge, along with some of our favorite submissions.
You can then take those newfound techniques back to your implementation.
Register for DriveWorks Drivers
All the details you need to get involved with the first DriveWorks Challenge will be announced at our upcoming DriveWorks Drivers meetings in June.
Join the next DriveWorks Drivers meeting to find out more and have a go at the DriveWorks Challenge