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SWUGN and DriveWorks

As a SOLIDWORKS Gold Partner product, we’re really keen to get involved with the SOLIDWORKS community.

We’ve been working closely with SWUGN leaders across the globe to arrange presenters to speak about DriveWorksXpress at their meetings and even send a goodie box of DriveWorks giveaways!

As DriveWorksXpress is fully embedded and included in every licence of SOLIDWORKS, it’s a great tool to present to the SWUGN as each of the members already has access to DriveWorksXpress, so they can start learning and using the tool immediately.

San Diego SWUG

The San Diego SOLIDWORKS User Group monthly meetings take place on the second Wednesday of each month. They’re an independent organization of SOLIDWORKS users in San Diego County who meet regularly to network and share their experiences.

Ed Pasqual, an active member in the SDSWUG, is responsible for scheduling the speakers for their monthly meetings.  Ed is a seasoned SOLIDWORKS user and has been using the software since 1995 and uses DriveWorks to automate any repetitive, mundane tasks he needs to complete.

“DriveWorks is one of the best automation tools included in SOLIDWORKS” – Ed Pasqual

Following a hands on session with DriveWorks’ Pre Sales Engineer, Chris Cassettari, at SOLIDWORKS World, Ed is utilizing DriveWorks in his current role. As a fan of our software, who had personally achieved many things with it, Ed wanted to arrange a presenter for their meeting who could deliver a hand on session that showed the product in action.

“The quickest way for us to lose our attendance is to have a presenter show us a Power Point presentation for an hour. Our members want to see the product in action – how to set it up, how to run it and what to do when it misbehaves.”

Over breakfast at SOLIDWORKS World, Maria and Gemma from the DriveWorks team had the opportunity to chat with Ed and learn more about the San Diego SOLIDWORKS User Group. They were able to put Ed in touch with Francisco Guzman, an Applications Engineer at DriveWorks Reseller Go Engineer and certified DriveWorks Professional, who was more than happy to present at the October meeting.

Francisco started his presentation with a unique project, which he then ran in order to show the product in action to the newest members of the group. He then covered the nuts and bolts of setting it up, sharing his best practices and tips with the group.

In the second half of the presentation, Francisco showed how to set up and mate multiple parts and also how to troubleshoot any issues that arise when running the project.

Francisco then finished with an overview of the DriveWorks product portfolio – DriveWorksXpressDriveWorks Solo and DriveWorks Pro.

“Our user group meets monthly and Francisco has been one of the best presenters this year.”

We’re really pleased that the meeting was so successful and the members learnt so much from Francisco. Congratulations!

If you’re a SOLIDWORKS user group leader or member, and need our help arranging speakers or if you’d like us to send you some DriveWorks goodies, please get in touch!

Don’t forget that we’re also running a SWUGN Group Leader of the year award at SOLIDWORKS World 2016. The prize and award will go to the most engaged group leader, which can be achieved by:

  • Contributing to the DriveWorks monthly group leader newsletter
  • Sending us updates/pictures about your meetings
  • Coming to visit the DriveWorks stand at SOLIDWORKS World
  • Approaching DriveWorks to sponsor your SWUGN meetings