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SolidWorks Visit to DriveWorks HQ

We were pleased to welcome SolidWorks Partner Team, Technical Marketing Specialist, Shyam Venugopal to The Barley Store recently.

In addition to meeting our entire team during his visit, Maria took Shyam to visit DriveWorks Reseller CADTEK in Furness Vale and also DriveWorks Customer, furniture specialists, Neville Johnson so he could see how they are automating their designs with DriveWorks and SolidWorks.

Probably the highlight of the journey to Neville Johnson for Indian born, cricket-loving Shyam was to pass within touching distance of Old Trafford – home of Lancashire County Cricket Club since 1864 and one of the most renowned test crickets grounds in the country. It was the venue for the first ever Ashes test to be held in England in July 1884 and has hosted two Cricket World Cup semi-finals.

Half a mile down the road and Shyam was now in Manchester United territory as we skirted round the football clubs’s 75,000 seater stadium. It also hosted football matches at the 2012 Summer Olympics, including women’s international football for the first time in its history.