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Students: Use Our Free Resources to Help You Gain a New SOLIDWORKS Skill

Become a Certified DriveWorksXpress Associate

Students: If you’re looking to improve your SOLIDWORKS skills over summer, we can help you!

DriveWorksXpress is a free design automation tool included in every licence of SOLIDWORKS. If you’ve got access to an educational licence of SOLIDWORKS, then you’ve got access to DriveWorksXpress!

Becoming a Certified DriveWorksXpress Associate gives you new skills to add to your résumé. You’ll also strengthen your existing SOLIDWORKS skills by learning more about an Xpress product – DriveWorksXpress.

We want you to succeed and we’ve provided all the resources you need to easily complete the DriveWorksXpress Training and Certification and gain this valuable new skill to take into industry.

As a SOLIDWORKS user you will always have access to these free resources which you can use to expand your design automation knowledge at any time.

Online Help File

Press F1 in DriveWorksXpress to use the built-in Help File.


Wach our free monthly webinar to learn how to get started with DriveWorksXpress.

Little Book of Rules

Request a Little Book of Rules – a handy guide to writing rules in DriveWorks.

Sample Projects

Download our sample projects to see more industry examples.

How To Videos

Watch short video clips to learn how to use DriveWorks at your own pace.


Add to your knowledge with extra tutorials and videos.