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Round-up of Smart Factory Expo 2021

Round-Up of Smart Factory Expo 2021

Smart Factory Expo is industry’s biggest digital manufacturing show. As part of Digital Manufacturing Week, this annual event welcomes expertise, ideas and opportunity for digital manufacturing.

The two-day event brings together all the technologies enabling the digital manufacturing revolution – creating a carefully curated shop window for manufacturers at all stages of their digital journey. It is a showcase for the revolution in technology, process and thinking behind Industry 4.0.

For the sixth year running Smart Factory Expo delivered an exciting and engaging event of which we were pleased to be a part of!

Showcasing Our New Booth

Our stand was located in the Digital Transformation zone, where our team were chatting with manufacturers, showcasing our award-winning software and the power of design automation and CPQ for manufacturing.

It was really great to set up and see our new booth in action. Impressively made by our CEO, Glen Smith who is a Mechanical Engineer, the booth is made up of four 60-inch tv’s bolted together. It certainly was an attention grabber and a great conversation starter.

It was great to see so many in the manufacturing industry recognising and embracing the need for digital technology. Over the two days, we took the opportunity to show manufacturers how DriveWorks CPQ for Manufacturing can help them sell custom products digitally around the world.

Through speaking with all kinds of people in the industry, we found more than ever the need for companies to be flexible and agile.

Exploring the Latest Technology

With ten visitor zones, each focused on different digital manufacturing opportunities, Smart Factory Expo offers something for everyone.

The themed zones created an opportunity for attendees to engage with world-class exhibitors, innovative start-ups and experience-sharing sessions from some of the most exciting names in global manufacturing and technology.

Whilst we were there we took the opportunity to visit other exhibitors and explore the latest trends in digital manufacturing technology.

On Wednesday afternoon following his presentation, Alexander Karim, IoT & Mixed Reality at Microsoft joined us on our stand to see our technology and show us the impressive Hololens, which of course we had a go with!

We also met with universities and discussed more ways we can support the future of the industry and learn from their research.

Hearing from Industry Experts

There was a wide range of speakers scheduled across all of the Digital Manufacturing Week events, especially at the Smart Factory Expo.

Set up on nine theatres around the exhibition hall, there were over 120 speakers presenting and demonstrating the latest technology and ways manufacturers can embrace digital transformation and industry 4.0.

During the event, we heard all kinds of presentations delivered by industry and manufacturing experts. From the Made Smarter Innovation theatre to the Digital Transformation theatre, there was always something to listen in on and learn about the future of this industry.

On day two of the event, our CEO, Glen Smith took to the Smart Infrastructure theatre stage to talk about CPQ for Manufacturing – Everything You Need to Sell and Manufacture Digitally.

During his presentation, Glen shared how companies around the world are using automation to do more with less. The key message from Glen’s presentation was that now is the time to automate, upskill your teams and adopt digital technologies, to gain competitive edge and win more business.

Explore Our Technology

See DriveWorks rules-based technology in action.

See how versatile and customizable DriveWorks is by having a go with our online configurator examples.

Suitable for any industry.

DriveWorks Examples