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New DriveWorks Solo Sample Project – Fan Project

By using downloading and trying out our new DriveWorks Solo projects, you can learn how DriveWork Solo can help you create variations for your SolidWorks models.

DrivreWorks Solo comes with a whole raft of new features that aren’t available in DriveWorksXpress including the ability to create drawings and export those drawings in different file formats. This means that you can send off specifications and information to your customers who won’t have SolidWorks or eDrawings installed. In this example, the user is presented with a PDF as well as the .EDRW file with the individual part and complete product drawings.

DriveWorks Solo also allows you to import data from excel or create data tables within the DriveWorks Solo project. This allows for pricing lists and even customer lists to form a part of your project. Here this feature is used to allow for existing customers to be chosen from a list saving time when creating new models for customers.

DriveWorks Solo also has the ability to create variables to create rules that can be used in many places, or can be used to simplify rules that are getting long by breaking them down in to more manageable chunks. In this example, variables are used to drive the materials that are used in the fan from the specifications selected in the form. DriveWorks Variables allow for much greater complexitiy in DriveWorks projects, without over complicating it with rules.