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How Lukasz Landed a Job After Becoming a CDWXA

The DriveWorksXpress Training and Certification is a free certification for all engineering and design students and professionals who have access to SOLIDWORKS. We want to help you succeed so we’ve provided all the resources you need to easily complete the DriveWorksXpress Training and Certification and gain this valuable new skill.

One person who has already benefitted from completing the certification is Lukasz Marek. We caught up with him to find out how gaining new skills and becoming a Certified DriveWorksXpress Associate has helped him further his career so far.

Lukasz improved his employability with a DriveWorksXpress certification that enabled him to impress in an interview and get the job he wanted.

“I was preparing for a job interview with a company that uses DriveWorks and I wanted to learn more about the software.”

“I’d heard about DriveWorksXpress and I knew it was included inside SOLIDWORKS but I hadn’t used it before.”

“I completed the Training and Certification to learn more. It was very straightforward and it took me around an hour to complete. I then received a certificate confirming I was a Certified DriveWorksXpress Associate.”

For you, what was the biggest benefit of becoming a Certified DriveWorksXpress Associate?

“Definitely having the printed version of my certificate that demonstrated my knowledge. It really helped me to impress the interviewer and secure the position.”

How did gaining this new skill impact your job search?

“A few days after I’d completed the certification, I had an interview at a company who currently uses DriveWorks. I already have 7 SOLIDWORKS certifications on my resume, but they were hooked on my Certified DriveWorksXpress Associate certificate. They liked that I had a printed certificate confirming I had completed the training and it was a great talking point.”

What advice would you give to other students who are thinking about completing the certification?

“I’d encourage them to take it! It’s very straightforward to complete and you can talk about your experience during interviews.”

“Demonstrating that you have knowledge of DriveWorksXpress shows that you’ve proactively looked for ways to enhance your skills, which can be built upon further, especially in a company that uses DriveWorks.”

“Automation is a buzz word in the industry right now and in my experience, it’s one that interviewers want to hear about!”

“You can combine your new DriveWorks knowledge with any existing SOLIDWORKS certificates you may already hold and show that you’ve been creative and explored the SOLIDWORKS Xpress products too.”

Improve your employability by completing the DriveWorksXpress Training & Certification online now, it’s quick and easy!