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How Can the DriveWorks CPQ Template Benefit Your Company?

Digital selling and the ability to ConfigurePrice and Quote easily, has fast become a vital part of “doing business” for manufacturing companies of all sizes and in most sectors.

CPQ solutions are built on rules, workflow, user interface and integration. These are the core technologies that have underpinned DriveWorks since the software was first introduced to the SOLIDWORKS market in 2001.

The DriveWorks CPQ Template is a series of DriveWorks projects and templates that when combined create a powerful CPQ solution. It’s a starting point for any DriveWorks customer and can be used as a complete CPQ solution or taken apart to use individual features and functionality.

The Benefits to Your Company

The DriveWorks CPQ template makes it easy for manufacturing companies to quicky reap the benefits of guided selling and CPQ.

It provides a customizable dashboard to select which products can be configured, using existing DriveWorks product configurators, what pricing to apply and what data to pass to and from any other company systems such as ERP and CRM.

The template also makes it easy to manage permissions, real-time pricing updates and views to create a customized solution for inside sales, dealers, distributors and even customers.

It’s completely white label, which means that it can be easily customized to reflect your corporate branding and image.

DriveWorks Pro customers already have access to all of this functionality within DriveWorks. The CPQ template we’ve created simply makes it even easier to quickly set up the functionality as a customisable CPQ solution.

Learn More

These short videos explain how different people within your company (Customers, Distributors, Internal Sales Teams and Sales Adminstrators) could interact with your DriveWorks Product Configurators to help your company sell digitally.

How Your Customers Interact with DriveWorks as a CPQ Solution

How Your Distributors Interact with DriveWorks as a CPQ Solution

How Your Sales Teams Interact with DriveWorks as a CPQ Solution

How You Administer Your DriveWorks CPQ Solution