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Get to Know the DriveWorks Pro Modules

With DriveWorks Pro you can create a custom configurator that anyone can use. DriveWorks software is modular and scalable so you can set up and use the products to your advantage and at your own pace.

DriveWorks Pro has individual software modules to suit your requirements and it is ideal for any business involved in order-specific design.

If you’d like to learn more about the individual modules that collectively make up DriveWorks Pro then this short video is the perfect introduction.

It’s a quick and easy way to learn more about each module and how they work together, including:

  • DriveWorks Pro Administrator
  • DriveWorks Pro Autopilot
  • DriveWorks Pro User
  • DriveWorks Pro Live

This great resource is available in three languages; English, German and French.


Get to Know the DriveWorks Pro Modules


Einführung In Die Module Von DriveWorks Pro


Introduction Aux Modules DriveWorks Pro