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Exploring DriveWorks Technology Examples

DriveWorks Technology

DriveWorks isn’t just a tool; it’s a powerful technology that you can adapt to your organization’s unique needs.

The technology inside DriveWorks is versatilecustomizable, and easy to use, allowing you to build a solution that works for your business. It enables you to create configurators and design automation tools tailored to your specific processes and workflows.

Exploring DriveWorks Technology Examples

To understand what happens under the DriveWorks hood our Technology examples showcase the core technologies inside DriveWorks.

They are designed to provide you with an insight into how you can build a robust design automation and sales configurator solution for your business.

Rules-Based Design Automation

Learn more about how DriveWorks excels in rule-based design automation, allowing you to streamline and automate your design processes. By defining rules and parameters, you can create intelligent automation that adapts to your specific business needs. This not only saves time but also minimizes errors.

Custom User Interface with Forms

See for yourself how the DriveWorks Form Designer provides an intuitive platform to create a custom user interface (UI) using your company’s branding. Using your own branding on customer forms improves engagement and contributes to a positive customer experience.

Automated Workflow and Full Audit Trail

Automate customized workflows that comply with your company standards and procedures. DriveWorks technology provides a full audit trail together with reports and feedback mechanisms, providing transparency and accountability. Control over user access, group security, permissions, and triggered actions improve the reliability of your design processes.

Seamless Integration with Other Systems

Learn more about handling, sharing, and reusing data, enabling seamless integration with your other company systems. Ensuring that your design processes are part of your wider company ecosystem improves overall business efficiency.

Interactive 3D Configurators

Create a 3D configurator enabling your customers to visualize their custom products in an interactive online environment. Immediate feedback on design changes enables customers to make informed decisions, enhancing their engagement and overall customer satisfaction.

Reporting and Diagnostics

Find out how DriveWorks simplifies the setup and maintenance of your configurator with built-in Reporting & Diagnostics tools. These tools require no additional setup, making it easy for you to track and analyze data related to your design processes.


DriveWorks seamlessly integrates with SOLIDWORKS, enabling you to automate CAD tasks. By eliminating repetitive design tasks, engineers can redirect their efforts toward innovation and improvement.

Exploring DriveWorks Configurator Examples

Explore what’s possible with DriveWorks through our product configurator examples.

The DriveWorks live product configurator examples demonstrate how versatile and customizable DriveWorks is. They also highlight DriveWorks adaptability in real-world applications so that you can see what’s possible across a range of different scenarios and industries.

These examples are more than just demonstrations; they showcase DriveWorks flexibility and customization options.  They are designed for you to see what you can achieve with DriveWorks in your own business.

DriveWorks Configurator Examples

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