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Thrilled with Achievements in DriveWorksXpress

On the DriveWorksXpress site we have an area where people can tell us how they have got on using DriveWorksXpress. They can upload picures of their products, screen grabs of their DriveWorksXpress form and a Rules Summary. They can also tell us how long things used to take them before they had DriveWorksXpress and how long it takes them now. The feedback has been stunning.

One such company to told us what they have been doing is Mondragon Assembly. They design and manufacture systems and equipment for process automation. They are a global company, manufacturing in Europe and North America, and offer highly custom solutions for assembly process automation requirements.

Oscar José Hernández is thrilled with his achievements in DriveWorksXpress…

Time spent setting up – 6 weeks
“It took around six weeks, this includes learning how to use DriveWorksXpress, and whenever I discovered something new, I stepped back to make everything smoother and easier.”

 Time spent before SolidWorks and DriveWorksXpress – 2 days
“It took approximately 2 days.”

Time taken with SolidWorks and DriveWorksXpress – 10 minutes
“It now takes around ten minutes… or less.”

 How would you describe your experience with using DriveWorksXpress?
“This tool is awesome, at first I thought we couldn’t make a good use of it, but it has made our life much easier.”

 Do you make use of the resources available at www.driveworksxpress.com?
“Of course, when I have a question I go to the DriveWorksXpress forum for some “enlightenment” and also when I was learning DriveWorksXpress I downloaded the exercises and videos.”

 Have you shared your work with colleagues?
“Yes, the entire design department uses this.”

I’m going to keep reporting these results here on the blog because I think it’s worth sharing with everyone. with results like these it becomes easy to justify purchasing the full version of DriveWorks.