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DriveWorks World 2017 Sponsor Spotlight – Maro & Associates

DriveWorks World 2017 is sponsored by a number of carefully selected technology partners and service providers that add relevance and value to the event.

We’re pleased to announce that Maro & Associates are sponsoring the event and their Technical Director, Wade Anderson, will be joining us.

We recently caught up with Wade to find out more about why Maro & Associates chose to not only attend, but also sponsor the event.

Please tell us about your previous experience at DriveWorks World

I’m a veteran at attending CAD/CAM software conferences. There’s not a conference in the CAD/CAM industry like DriveWorks World. DriveWorks World stands alone on the top, because of the hands-on technical nature of the conference. Most conferences are sit and watch, this conference is sit and do. This is a unique trait in a conference.

What are you most looking forward to about DriveWorks World 2017?


This is the first year I’ve been able to bring a few of our clients. It will bring me nothing but joy to watch them grow and learn as they enhance their DriveWorks skills.

What would you say to someone thinking of attending DriveWorks World 2017?

I would tell them to go! Other conferences might spend a few hours in the software and the rest doing presentations but at DriveWorks World, you will spend 3 straight solid days working in the software.

Register Now to Secure Your Place

Registration for DriveWorks World 2017 is still open, but places are filling up fast! Head over to www.driveworksworld.com to secure your place.