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DriveWorks World 2013 – What Happened?

The team have returned from the snowy land of Chicago after a really successful DriveWorks World 2013 last week. There was a fantastic turn out, with DriveWorks customers, resellers and partners completing DriveWorks Solo / DriveWorks Pro training and certifications on DriveWorks 10 AND of course learning all about ‘What’s New in DriveWorks 10’.

The event took place from Monday 4th – Friday 8th March at the Marriott Chicago O’Hare Hotel. Although there was a day of heavy snow, it was cleared speedily and efficiently in true Chicago style with no disruption to the training.

Our sponsors all really helped make the event such a success, donating: money, time, laptops and storage space – so we really want to thank SolidWorks, Graphics Systems, CATI and Razorleaf for all their support.

It’s great that so many people received their DriveWorks certifications – becoming Certified DriveWorks Professionals and Certified DriveWorks Applications Engineers.

Thursday evening was time for the DriveWorks World 2013 Awards Dinner.

Although everyone had chance to network throughout the week, we thought this would be the perfect opportunity for everyone to relax and celebrate a fantastic
week of hard work.

The following people won awards (and will be receiving a DriveWorks World 2013 polo shirt shortly):

  • First person to express an interest in DriveWorks World: Tony Lambert – Van Aire
  • First person to sign up for DriveWorks World: Marcel Kamutzki – Daltec Canadian Buffalo
  • First person to download DriveWorks 10 for the training: Sukhbir Singh – Fresno Valves
  • Who travelled furthest to attend: The DriveWorks Team!!!
  • First person to complete DriveWorks Solo certification: Steve Sagi – Pine Instruments
  • First person to complete DriveWorks Pro certification: Jan Prihoda – Twin City Fans
  • Best looking DriveWorks Solo form: Brandon Roby – Whole Hog Technologies

One really memorable moment for all of us was when Shaji Shereef of www.fgwa.com presented the DriveWorks Technical Team with a special customer service award.  The coin is generally only given out internally within the Barry Wehmiller Group, so it was really special that they presented it to us! Thank you!

We really want to say a massive thank you to everyone who attended for making the event as great as it was. It was really valuable for us to see how you are using the software, and great to hear how it is helping you. We’ve only been back in the office a few hours, and already have some really positive feedback about the event:

Thank you very much for putting on such a great event in Chicago.  Everything was terrific; the venue, the training, the networking and the dinner.  It is exciting for me to not only watch your company grow, but how your team helps other companies thrive.” – Tony Lambert (Van Aire)

Now it’s time to get planning for DriveWorks World 2014!