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DriveWorks Training Feedback

Following his DriveWorks training with Chris, Tom, Technical Solutions Specialist at CADimensions has written a blog post about the skills he learnt.

Earlier this month we blogged about Chris, DriveWorks Pre-Sales Engineer, providing DriveWorks training at CADimensions in New York. As promised, Tom has written a blog post all about the week he and his team spent with Chris.

The blog post features the members of the CADimensions team that attended the DriveWorks training. They all explain the lessons that were most useful to them.

Tom talks about what he learnt from Chris about using child specifications to enhance form design and project capabilities in DriveWorks.

Scott said the best thing he learnt was how to create a work flow and add levels of permissions and control using Specification Flow.

Andrew gained more advanced knowledge from Chris. Expanding on the training manual, Chris explained the DriveWorks SDK and Specification Macros. This will enable Andrew to write his own macros to use on his forms.

You can read the full blog post about their DriveWorks Training here.