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DriveWorks Team Members Raise Over £1,000 for Movember

The DriveWorks Team Complete Movember!

We posted at the beginning of November to say that a fantastic 24 of our team were taking part in Movember this year.

Movember involves growing a moustache during the month of November to raise funds and awareness for men’s health. Movember funds thousands of men’s health programmes.

With the money raised over the years, Movember has funded groundbreaking health projects across mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer – 1,250 projects so far.

Members of the DriveWorks team have taken part in Movember for the past few years.

This year though there were more people taking part than ever before.

After 30 days of growing the mo’s are looking pretty good, and so is the fundraising pot – the team have raised over £1000 so far!

See their journey on the DW Mo’s Team page!

Well done everyone for raising money for such a great cause and thank you to everyone who helped the team by donating and supporting!

See the before and after photos below

Day 1

Day 30

Check out the DriveWorks Mo’s page and support the cause.

Team Page