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DriveWorks Glen Smith Embracing Digital Feature in DEVELOP3D Magazine

Read Glen’s Embracing Digital Feature in May/June’s DEVELOP3D Magazine

In this month’s DEVELOP 3D magazine, DriveWorks CEO Glen Smith, talks about how adapting and embracing opportunities is vital.

This is the second in a series of articles by Glen that will be featured every month in the DEVELOP3D magazine.

In the May/June edition of DEVELOP3D, Glen talks about the importance of change and embracing digital.

Glen explains how change is not the enemy, and adapting and embracing opportunities is vital for businesses to succeed. Innovation, using technology and streamlining business processes can and will make a difference post-Covid-19 era.

As CEO of a software company, I like to think of my team as champions for change. We’ve embraced digital transformation. Almost everything we do is now digital.

Time and time again we see how companies that embrace digital can overtake their competitors and change the future for consumers.”

“The key to digital transformation is starting small, choosing one thing to improve, changing it, reaping the benefits and moving onto the next thing.”

DEVELOP3D Magazine is free to read online, read the full article on page 15.

Read Full Article – Page 15