Celebrating One Year of Learning, Sharing and Networking
On Thursday, December 9th we hosted the One-Year Anniversary meeting of DriveWorks Drivers. We can’t believe DriveWorks Drivers has been running for one year!
Over the last year, we have had a great time getting together with our customers, partners, and resellers from around the world to connect, share and talk about all things DriveWorks.
In this meeting we rounded up the first year of DriveWorks Drivers. To start off, Bridie and Heather introduced a video montage from the last year that recounted some of the meetings high points as well as some of the funnier moments where we really did test the bounds of virtual meeting technology.

Introducing Phillip Stears as Chief Technology Officer
While he is no stranger to many in our community, we were excited to welcome our new Chief Technology Officer, Philip Stears, to his first DriveWorks Drivers meeting. It was great to have Philip say a quick hello and reacquaint with old friends as well as introduce himself to everyone else.
We heard about Philip’s vision for the future and the opportunity for our community to continue embracing new technologies. We’re looking forward to welcoming Philip back for future DriveWorks Drivers meetings!
Fun Ways to Use DriveWorks
User presentations are a big part of all of our DriveWorks Drivers meetings. As part of our one-year anniversary celebration, we invited a few members of the DriveWorks team as well as our users to present on ‘fun ways’ they have used DriveWorks technology to build something that may not be part of their daily design or work day.

Tim Iland – Animal Pairs Game
To start things off, we invited Tim Iland, Applications Engineer at DriveWorks, to offer a glimpse into the Animal Pairs Game that he has developed using DriveWorks 3D.
We all had a chance to have a go with it – some of us did pretty good!

Wade Anderson – Cannonball Run
Wade Anderson, Chief SOLVE Officer at Solveshop, was happy to share the game project he built called Cannonball Run. He was inspired to build this game after seeing other DriveWorks users had created their own. He explained briefly that the game is backed by physics projectile equations. The game was built using Macro Timers, the Integration Theme and Real-Time Solvers.

David Dewey & Bill Murch – Sub Search in DriveWorks
David Dewey (Base 10 Consultants) and Bill Murch (IDM Consulting) joined together to share the fun project they have been working on. Located on opposite sides of the globe from each other, they were able to collaborate and share their DriveWorks knowledge to create a replica of a nostalgic board game called Sub Search.
It sparked a lot of conversation and excitement amongst attendees who wanted to find out more about the Drive3D files, Calculation Tables and Macro Buttons they had used to create it.

Dave Meecham – Battleships
He’s no stranger to attending and presenting at DriveWorks Drivers, so when our Technical Manager Dave Meecham learned that we were sharing some fun projects created with DriveWorks he located his version of Battleships to share with the group.
Dave showed the game in action, playing a tense game against Applications Engineer, Tim.
Dave won the game, leading to questions about any hidden features he might have included to make the game go in his favour!

Paul Gimbel – Using DriveWorks for Fun
Paul Gimbel, Business Process Sherpa from Razorleaf, presented on various ways that he has been able to have fun using DriveWorks. Paul’s fun projects are a great way to explore new areas of DriveWorks that he may not always be able to use during his work day.
While we didn’t have a chance to play all of the games during the meetings, Paul did show us some classic games such as Perfection and Scrabble that he has built in DriveWorks using generic rules, group tables, countdown timers and more.
Anyone who enjoys a good game of Scrabble would love to see Paul’s version of DriveWords. Paul is open to having more discussions on these and invited any DriveWorks users to share their questions in the My.DriveWorks Forums.
End of Year Pub Quiz
No DriveWorks Drivers meeting would be complete without a pub quiz and this meeting did not disappoint.
The competition was close at both meetings with a range of DriveWorks questions to test the attendees.
We’re looking forward to hosting more quizzes at future meetings and giving out even more prizes to our winners.

Thank you to eveyone who has joined us throughout our first year of DriveWorks Drivers!
We’re looking forward to hosting many more meetings in the future to continue our learning, sharing and networking.

Join Us at Our Next Meeting
We were delighted to welcome so many DriveWorks users to the DriveWorks Drivers one-year anniversary meeting.
We will be hosting four DriveWorks Drivers events again next year, with the first one scheduled for March 2022.
If you would like to register your interest to attend the event, or share your story during future meetings, please get in touch with us.