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DriveWorks Divas Pretty Muddy Race for Life!

Pretty Muddy is a 5k muddy obstacle course that women of any ability can climb over, crawl under and charge through to raise money for Cancer Research UK.

On Sunday 6th May 2018, 4 members of the DriveWorks team are taking on the Warrington Pretty Muddy 5k in Victoria Park.

Laura, Danielle, Millie and Rosie, otherwise known as the DriveWorks Divas, signed up for the event in January and since then they’ve been training regularly to help them prepare.

Running is a passion that’s shared by many members of the DriveWorks team. We often hear about people taking part in Park Runs, completing marathons or discussing their personal best times.

Once they’d registered for the race, the DriveWorks Divas started an after work running club and it was nice to see our regular runners join them to offer support and advice.

After 4 months of training they’re ready to take on the obstacle course this weekend – good luck girls!

So far the team have raised £253 for Cancer Research UK!

If you’d like to sponsor the DriveWorks Divas and support a great cause, please follow the link below:

Sponsor the Team

Watch this space for updates and pictures from the race!