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DriveWorks CPD: And The Winner Is…

December 31st marked the end of the third quarter of this year’s CPD program. As ever the process of counting the results was handled by the DriveWorks Pro Project that manages the program. This is never more valuable than at the end of Q3! No need for a member of the DriveWorks team to stay up late counting credits on New Yeas Eve!

The end of this quarter also marks the end of the race for the 1st place prize. As the prize was a trip to DriveWorks World in March, clearly this announcement could not wait until the end of Q4!

First of all, the person with the most credits in Q3 of this year’s CPD is…

Robert Kite from Solid Solutions Management UK.

Congratulations Robert. Enjoy your prize!

Secondly, the person with the most credits for the year so far, by a distance of 122 credits, is…

Francisco Guzman from GoEngineer.

Well done Francisco! We’ll see you at DriveWorks World!

The DriveWorks CPD Program continues!

The prize for Q4 and the annual second and third place prizes will be announced at DriveWorks World. So keep registering your credits and a prize could be yours next time!

Good Luck!