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DriveWorks and CRM

Can I use DriveWorks with our company’s CRM system?


This is a question that comes up quite often and the good news is that DriveWorks Pro Configurator projects can be integrated with many other company systems, including CRM systems.

The architecture of DriveWorks software is very open and this means that DriveWorks Pro can take inputs from many data sources, use it, perform operations and calculations, and then pass information on to other systems.

In the case of CRM, this means that your DriveWorks Configurator can use data directly queried from your CRM records. This information can then be displayed in your configurator interface (DriveWorks forms), perhaps as a customer list with billing and delivery addresses or other business relevant options. And because DriveWorks is a rules-based system, you can then set the rules that are to be applied to the information entered and decide what happens to it.

This type of integration is a great time and money saver. Information does not need to be manually re-entered on the form and this in turn helps to cut down the potential for costly errors caused by mis-typing.

As well as using data from CRM programs such as Microsoft Dynamics and Salesforce, DriveWorks Pro can also pass data directly in to other company systems such as Product Data Management Systems (PDM). There is an out of the box integration for DriveWorks Pro to SolidWorks Enterprise PDM which is also used by many companies using DriveWorks for Design Automation.

These are just a few examples of what can be done with DriveWorks through the flexiblity of the underlying rules engine and form design capability. Such customizablity means that you can impelement DriveWorks to work alongside almost any company system.

To find out more about DriveWorks integration email us at info@driveworks.co.uk