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MakerBot Arrives at DriveWorks

Usually Monday mornings are the time when people struggle to get back into the work routine, after a weekend away, people dread this time of the week. However, if every Monday morning was like this week’s – we’d all be praying for them to come around more often!

Finally, our 3D Printer arrived!

There was much excitement when the package arrived and within minutes it was being put together by all the technical team. We had Jane, our Operations Manager, reading the instructions to ensure it all went smoothly and was put together correctly. Impressively, after only half an hour we were ready to go into production.

We chose to print the pre-installed demo items, so we could get something as soon as possible, it’s amazing how impatient people become when there’s a new toy around!

So after time to warm up and around 8 minutes printing time – we ended up with a MakerBot logo pendant. Around 20 minutes later we managed to print a stretchy bracelet.

So after an afternoon of playing around and listening to the magical, futuristic sounds it’s now time to get down to business and start testing it with some of the tech team’s designs.