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DriveWorks Live Examples – A Multi-Form Project

This sample project shows DriveWorks being used to configure an electrical enclosure.

As there are many different options that can be configured (e.g. who the order is for, the size of the enclosure, what components are included in the enclosure, where the components are to be placed inside the enclosure etc…) we decided to present different options on separate forms. This makes it easier for people with little or no knowledge of the enclosure products to clearly see the options available and to step through the project so that they can configure an enclosure that meets their needs.

The forms have been laid out in a clear and logical way and thought has also gone in to the navigation. We wanted to show how easy it is to move around the project making selections and how changes to options selected can be made at any time. And although the interface is clean and uncomplicated, ALL the rules that dictate what options are available and ALL the rules that drive the manufacturing outputs so that the CAD files and quote can be created are securely locked in behind the forms UI.

The project is a great way of seeing how flexible and customizable DriveWorks can be.

1. Visit the www.driveworkslive.com demo site.

2. Click on the ‘Fixed width example’ square.

3. The password and username – Guest and Guest.

4. Choose the Electrical Cabinet project.

5. The first form is information about the customer – you can choose a company and a company from the drop down list – the address will then be pre-populated, or you can add new details and these will automatically be added to the database.

6. Click Next to take you through to the next form.

7. The next page is an identification page, to help the User work out which element on the Electrical Cabinet is which. When this has been ascertained, you can click next.

8. This page is all about customising the product – you can change: the material, amount and location of components, size of overall product, the lock and add extras. This is easy to navigate by selecting the titles at the top of the form.

9. You can then preview in 3D the configured item. If this item is not completely to your satisfaction, it is then easy to return to previous pages by clicking ‘previous’ or going directly to the desired page by clicking the title.

10. When the item is exactly how desired, the final action is to view a summary of the order and enter your email address.

11. You will then receive all essential sales and marketing documents to complete the order.

This project demonstrates how a good design and clear direction on forms can make the configuration and order process quick and easy, even when presented with a complicated, multi-element product.