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DriveWorks Live Example – Shopping Cart

This demo is great for Business to Consumer (B2C) companies – that make products that would go straight to the consumer. It presents how they can create a form that customers can work through themselves, configuring their ideal design of the item (in this case a sofa). The company will then be sent the various documents needed – such as Bill of Materials and Drawings. Once the project has been set up, an engineer/designer does not even have to be involved in this part of the design process, excellent for freeing up time to spend on completely bespoke projects.

This particular demo is very visual and uses as little text as possible – fantastic for international companies, as it limits any difficulty with a language barrier. Items can be easily configured, just
through the power of the images.

So, I went through this project from a consumer point of view – interested in creating my own perfect chair design, which is made completely to my taste. I do not come from a technical background, so me running through this demo is incredibly realistic, to show that any person – technical or not – can configure their own creation within minutes. These are the steps I took:

1. Visit www.driveworkslive.com demo site.

2. Click on the Shopping Cart square (with the trolley icon).

3. Click on ‘Hello.’

4.  Then choose the item to configure – in this case a chair.

5.  Click on the image, or the text ‘Design your NewSofa’.

6.  Choose the size of the seating you require.

7.  Configure the colour, shape and feet of your chair.

8.  Click ‘add to basket.’

9.  Click on ‘go to checkout’ – here you can choose extras also.

10.  Click on ‘continue to checkout’ and enter your details. Then submit.

So, in just 10 quick steps I managed to create my perfect chair, I was then emailed all the sales and manufacturing documents. In theory, manufacturing could now begin. (If I had a spare £500).

Head on over to www.driveworkslive.com and configure yourself your very own perfect sofa.