Home / Blog / Configure BLUE – Automating our Future – Blue Giant Corporation DriveWorks Pro Users

Configure BLUE – Automating our Future – Blue Giant Corporation DriveWorks Pro Users

Blue Giant, have used DriveWorks to create Configure Blue, their parts configurator for their Worldwide Authorised Dealers and Sales Team.

With over 8 million product combinations, Blue Giant were in need of a more simplified configuration solution and with DriveWorks Pro they were able to host their configurator online for their Sales team and Authorised dealers to more simply and effectively create new configurations.

Rob and Chris will be explaining what it took to get Configure Blue up and running, as well as how it has helped them overcome problems. Both Rob and Chris use DriveWorks on a daily basis, so this presentation is a great way for you to learn how a DriveWorks implementation works in practice.

Chris is Blue Giants Automation specialist and previous to his work at Blue Giant, Chris used DriveWorks to automate conveyor designs. With many years of design and automation experience he will no doubt deliver a fascinating presentation.

Rob, currently Director of Engineering at Blue Giant, had previously spent 11 years at Javelin Technologies, working as their Senior Application Engineer with particular focus on Design Automation and he had 32 years of experience in the industry.

Rob and Chris will be speaking in room 22 Wednesday, 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM so get there nice and early to avoid missing out on a seat.